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FedEx Office

Did you find the perfect present for a friend at one of the amazing boutiques, but now you need to send it? FedEx® is available for your use at Village Center Lake Tahoe. Get it there overnight with FedEx Express. Did you find a great piece of artwork while vacationing in Lake Tahoe and you need to get it home? FedEx has custom packaging of all shapes and sizes, including specialty boxes for gadgets, artwork and golf bags. The FedEx shipping specialists will securely pack, process and safely ship packages. With more than 220 countries and territories, including every address in the United States, FedEx makes more than 10.5 million shipments for express, ground, freight and expedited delivery services.

This location also provides your office away from the office while on vacation with computer rental, laptop docking stations and free WiFi access. They offer a wide range of printing services, including business card printing, digital color printing (for those vacation photos!), and self-service copying. Come try their professional printers for yourself.

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